Since its creation, the nation of Liberty has had two official anthems, each used in different circumstances. It's "national anthem": Our Wall [Rizzo English: r'Wall], used much more broadly and commonly, and the "royal anthem" (only used in more formal circumstances): 'Twas Rizzo Whom Saved Thee. Both of these anthems were adopted on the 18th of June 2018.
Our Wall (or, in Rizzo English, "r'Wall") is the more broad and national anthem of Liberty. It is used on most occassions when an anthem is needed (Sport Events, Radio and TV introductions and shutdowns, celebrations, etc.). It was written and adopted on the 18th of June 2018.
'Twas Rizzo Whom Saved Thee is the more traditional (and as such, Royal) anthem of Liberty. Unlike "Our Wall", this anthem is focused on the founder and "President for Life", beloved Bobby Rizzo (1951-). The anthem is based on the tale of the founding of Liberty, set to the theme of the Swiss national anthem, "Swiss Psalm". This anthem is only used for royal-based occassions. It is traditional to sing the anthem (as well as celebrate) on the 18th of June, known as Bobby Rizzo Night [R/E: Nacht o'Rizzo B'loved], the national day of Liberty.
'Twas a terrible era, Filled with unwanted error. And Obama's terror, Was felt by all. ''Twas a time, of no glee It was, It was, was... However, a hero arrived, To greet thee. All hail Bobby Rizzo, Our only hero. Grant thee freedom Bobby, O' please, grant thee Grant he, Grant she O' Please, Bobby Grant us, please.